Category: <span>Videos</span>


In honor of Nevada Day

“Home Mean Nevada” with a twist, played by Squeek Steele.

With Nevada Day on the horizon—October 31st—we thought this little video, captured on Nevada’s sesquicentennial—of Squeek playing Nevada’s state song—with a twist—was fitting

how to move a piano in virginia city, nevada

Squeek’s YouTube Channel

Squeek’s video collection is a fun and amazing journey through time — from a video Christmas Card with the Philadelphia 76ers to How to Move a Piano to West Coast Ragtime Festivals. We think it’s time to share these long-hidden gems with the world along with her more current recordings. We will continue to post new ones throughout the year. Take a look by clicking the link below. Enjoy!

YouTube Channel: SQUEEK STEELE

Squeek Steele and her World Record Event

Squeeky Keys Documentary

The story of Squeek Steele and her world record event.

Watch the documentary of Squeek’s Guinness World Record in 1988 for most songs performed by memory. “SQUEEKY KEYS” was directed and produced by Ginger Cook of BC Entertainment, and masterfully sets the scene and tells the story of how Squeek’s Guinness World Record journey came to fruition.

The 30 minute documentary can be streamed or downloaded for a small fee on Vimeo. It’s a fun watch!

how to move a piano in virginia city, nevada

How To Move A Piano

When Squeek needs to move your piano from one venue to the next in Virginia City, Nevada, she just calls on a few friends and makes a show of it.

This video documents a little roadshow from Piper’s Opera House on B Street down to the Bucket Of Blood on C Street.

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